St. Patrick’s Day festivities at JAMP
Green food each period + activities including how to catch a Leprechaun. We love celebrating the holidays with our kiddo’s!
2021 ESY registration forms can be found on the document section of our website.
Ms. Pham’s class is left in sugar shock!!! In health, we have been exploring how to read nutrition labels. Today we focused on looking for the amount of hidden sugar in some popular drinks. Can you believe the grams of sugar found in these drinks?!?
Make-Up Snow Days!
There will be all day instruction on March 15th and March 19th! These originally were days off but we will be using them as our make-up snow days.
Thankful for our social workers! Happy Social Work Month!
Congratulations to Mr. Hueston celebrating his 13 year anniversary with Joseph Academy.
Using Starbursts, Ms Pham's class performed this amazing experiment! Students demonstrated their understanding of the rock cycle. Students were able to see the formation of sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rock using heat and pressure!
Ms. Pham's class has been exploring artists and art from the Pop Art movement. Our class had such a fun time creating these Keith Haring inspired life-size pieces.
Our students were so excited for a surprise activity day! We spent the morning doing an all school bingo, followed by different activities, an all school pizza lunch, and an afternoon with school wide s’mores. We love our JAMP kiddo’s!
The JAMP family is celebrating today! Ms. Pham is a finalist for the Golden Apple Award and we could not be more proud! Congratulations to her for a job well done!
Congratulations to these staff celebrating their anniversaries with Joseph Academy today.
Ms. Hammeleff - 22 years
Ms. Wright - 4 years
Mr. Pierce - 4 years
Both Joseph Academy schools (Des Plaines and Melrose Park) will be CLOSED tomorrow for a snow day! Enjoy the weather and stay warm!
Reminder: All Joseph Academy students will return to full in-person instruction on Tuesday, January 19th.
Due to current COVID 19 quarantine recommendations, Joseph Academy will resume IN-PERSON instruction on Tuesday, January 19th, 2021. Remote instruction will continue through Friday, January 15th, 2021.
JAMP is kicking off the holiday season with a virtual spirit week! Refer to the image for details.
Ms. Pham’s class had a fun day today! We spent some time reading Turkey Trouble by Wendi Silvano, and then disguised our own turkeys!
The students had fun decorating their turkeys and sharing with their classmates!
Lots of fun virtual rooms for students to interact with at the JAMP campus.
Check out our virtual classroom, virtual game show, virtual classroom, and our virtual Starbooks Cafe!!!
Beginning Monday, November 9th, Joseph Academy will begin full remote learning. Please see the letter that is being sent home today with your child. You can also find the detailed letter at
Your child will be sent home with materials on Friday. If you child is not in school, please contact the school to make arrangements to pick up supplies.
In-person instruction will resume Wednesday, January 6, 2021.
Halloween- themed math 🎃
Me Merriott’s homeroom celebrated Halloween with a pizza party and some in room trick or treating!